

About Gómez-Peña's literary works:

-“Gómez-Peña is a wizard of language”
-The Chicago Tribune

-“The hinge to Gómez-Peña's work, where high seriousness meets deep playfulness, is language...The luminous word fusions he gleefully concocts show the genius of a hybridized language, where entire cross-cultural concepts may be conveyed in a single gesture...”
-The Nation

-“Gómez-Peña’s commitment to force North America to adjust to the South, to acknowledge the hemisphere’s cultural imbalance, places him among the most significant of late-20th-century performance artists.”
-Our Favorite Books of 1994, Village Voice Literary Supplement

-“Warrior for Gringostroika demonstrates Gomez-Peña’s extremely developed eye for the baroque extremes of Mexican self-identification, his ear for hybrid rhymes, what he calls the Border’s ‘polysemantic’ quality...he is a political artist of the first order.”
-Ed Morales, Voice Literary Supplement

-“This eclectic and often funny collection of autobiography, performance scripts, poetry and photographs will- no matter your politics-escort you across borders.”
-Raul Niño, Booklist

-“There are few social thinkers today who can illuminate critical art and cultural issues with the acute sense of the absurd that characterizes the writings in this book.”
-High Performance Magazine

-“In (Warrior for Gringostroika), he fiercely confronts racism on both sides of the border.”
-Mary Margaret Benson, Library Journal

- “These fractured (border) realities are analyzed by Gómez-Peña in his Warrior for Gringostroika assuming the role of a reversed cultural anthropologist.”
-Javier Martinez de Pison, El Pais, Spain

-“The result (of New World Border) is a darkly humorous, intense work whose multiplicity of textual, sonic, and visual devices portrays the conflict and confusion we must confront in the face of imminent world integration.”
-Danica Radovanov, L.A. Reader

-"Gómez-Peña celebrates hybridity, borderless frontiers, interdisciplinary art
forms, linguistic amalgrams, cultural collisions--virtually everything that
partakes of "betweenness," especially the image of the Chicano cyborg, half
human-half machine. So it shouldn't surprise that the author's fifth book
confounds definition, fusing performance theory with performance diaries,
conversations, essays, scripts, commentaries for NPR, travelogues, anecdotes and photographs of ‘living dioramas.’...A cross between Oscar Wilde and Lenny Bruce, witty and gritty and brilliant, Gómez-Peña stretches language to the breaking point, coining words and code shifting at will... Anyone interested in contemporary performance theory should read this book. For the rest of us, it is a cultural roller-coaster ride with decidedly satirical seat belts."-Publishers Weekly

-"On the experimental front, this volume celebrates hybridity, borderless
frontiers, interdisciplinary artforms, linguistic amalgams, cultural collisions-virtually everything that partakes of ‘betweenness.’ The L.A.-transplanted Mexican writer and performance artist, now a commentator on NPR, uses the startling image of a Chicano cyborg to exemplifythe ‘betweenness,’ stretching language to the breaking point, coining words and code-shifting at will." San Antonio Express-News

-"This latest book by Gómez-Peña(Dangerous Border Crossers) is a feast…There is admonition, confession, theorizing, and wonderful griping narrative. The tone is irreverent, playful, blithe, celebrating, at times nostalgic, resigned and laconic, but never indulgent, or obnoxiously haughty and professorial. One of the most appealing aspects of this book, at a prima facie level, is the way Gomez-Pena, and his colleagues, exhibited the virtues of linguistic carnivalization…Spanglish has certainly found one of its Cervantezes in Gomez-Pena. Many might be offended by some images, some turn of phrases, some conceptual considerations, but no one will leave these pages untouched by the profound sense of care, tenderness, humility, and sense of engagement that every page communicates. And like everyone who travels across borders, especially those that do so without so-called official papers, this book will be ready to serve all kinds of purposes. I have rarely come across anything, that incites, that invites deep, but caring, reflection as the neobaroque composite does. This Mexterminator, Border Brujo, Naftazteca, Web-back, existentialist Mojado, is also a Thought Guerilla in times of the liquidation of thought."-Eduardo Mendieta, Hispanic Outlook

“In this idiosyncratic, intelligent and definitely maverick collection of memoires, essays and interviews(Dangerous Border Crossers), Gómez-Peña shrewdly appropriates the supposed shock value of his own trans-gender displays, self-multilation and wild partying from San Francisco to Finland to reveal the shocking reality of the racial prejudice which drove him to turn his life into art and live on the real cutting adge.”-Katrina Dixon, The Scotsman

"Adds to the much-needed recent surge of publications on performance art. Recommended for academic and other libraries with specialized collections in contemporary art, theater, or Latin culture”-Library Journal